The Colony Sprinkler Repair Specialists Will Make Your Lawn Green Again

Professional sprinkler repair contractors are now in your neighborhood

Alt TextOur Frisco sprinkler repair team is moving into your neighborhood. Our professional sprinkler repair contractors are now your The Colony solution. If you have dead patches in one part of your lawn and swampy areas in another, we can help. If you can't find the problem and your water bill seems high, we can fix it. Most of the time, The Colony sprinkler repair team already knows what the problem is, even before you get done explaining the situation. We've seen everything before. It doesn't matter if you have a leak in your underground piping or a chipped sprinkler head – we've got you covered.

We locate leaks fast at The Colony sprinkler repair because we know exactly what to look for above ground and have electronic leak detectors that can pinpoint the leak through several feet of earth. Our quick diagnosis leads to a quick repair and your system getting back to prime condition without racking up hours of labor. Our unique combination of new equipment and veteran technicians saves you money on your sprinkler repair.

Our sprinkler repair team will diagnose any problem in your system

one of our The Colony sprinkler repair specialists is checking a sprinkler controllerOur The Colony sprinkler repair team often diagnoses problems in the system that previous repair companies have missed. We regularly find and repair issues from timer programming issues to environmental sensor malfunctions. Smart homeowners in The Colony know that fixing these issues, before they'd find some other way of making themselves noticeable, is a great way to save money in the long term. We'll be happy to examine your system from tip to tail, especially if we're not in the peak season, so you won't have to deal with any more costly sprinkler malfunctions or issues down the road.

We have all the tools needed for irrigation repairs in The Colony

Alt TextWe have the best talent in The Colony when it comes to sprinkler repair & installation. We also have more trucks on stand-by than any other local company. Every truck is fully stocked with thousands of replacement parts and tools when it rolls to a jobsite. Over 90% of the services we perform can be completed with the onsite inventory. In the case that we need a part from the warehouse, we'll dispatch a second truck to your location to deliver it. Unless you have a huge job (installation, rerouting, etc.), our techs won't leave the property until the problem is solved!

If your curb appeal needs a little work, call in our team today. Our The Colony sprinkler repair team will get you on the schedule fast and get your system working the way it was meant to. We look forward to becoming your new sprinkler authority.